( ! ) Deprecated: Function get_magic_quotes_gpc() is deprecated in /srv/www/htdocs/xmds2019/libraries/cegcore2/gcloader.php on line 63
Call Stack
10.0002358064{main}( ).../index.php:0
20.01531078440Joomla\CMS\Application\SiteApplication->execute( ).../index.php:49
30.01531078440Joomla\CMS\Application\SiteApplication->doExecute( ).../CMSApplication.php:196
40.02481531912Joomla\CMS\Application\SiteApplication->route( ).../SiteApplication.php:218
50.02481531912Joomla\CMS\Application\SiteApplication->route( ).../SiteApplication.php:796
60.02901685888Joomla\CMS\Application\SiteApplication->triggerEvent( ).../CMSApplication.php:1122
70.02901685888JEventDispatcher->trigger( ).../BaseApplication.php:108
80.02901686336PlgSystemChronoengine_Gcore2->update( ).../dispatcher.php:160
90.02901686336PlgSystemChronoengine_Gcore2->onAfterRoute( ).../event.php:70
100.02901686360jimport( ).../chronoengine_gcore2.php:23
110.02901686360JLoader::import( ).../loader.php:845
120.02901687184include_once( '/srv/www/htdocs/xmds2019/libraries/cegcore2/gcloader.php' ).../loader.php:226
X-DMS 2019 Conference - Home

The Institute of Computational Science (ICS) of the Università della Svizzera italiana (USI - University of Lugano) has the pleasure to host the X-DMS 2019 conference (eXtended Discretization MethodS) at USI in Lugano, Switzerland, July 3-5, 2019. 

X-DMS 2019 is a Thematic Conference of the European Community in Computational Methods in Applied Sciences (ECCOMAS)


Location of USI's Campus in Lugano

The conference will take place in the beautiful city of Lugano. Lugano is the largest city in the canton of Ticino and the third financial centre in Switzerland. The city is located in the south of Switzerland and lies on Lake Lugano. The conference will be at the campus of USI. Travelling to Lugano is convenient with direct flights to Lugano airport, nearby Milano-Malpensa airport and Zürich airport.

Lugano USI Campus

Picture: © Università della Svizzera italiana

